Sunday, 1 March 2015

Affiliated Text

Notes to a Future Feminist Archive, Affiliated Text exhibition # 1, installation shot. Photo credit: Felicity Jenkins

Affiliated Text is a year-long gallery project exploring visual representations of language. Incorporating intertextual, semiotic, linguistic and graphic approaches, monthly exhibitions will examine the cultural and political sphere of language.

Curated by artists Lynne Barwick and Bronia Iwanczak, works on show will include visual art, typography, artist books, concrete poetry and printed matter. The program of exhibitions and associated events commences in March 2015 at 33 Roslyn St, Kings Cross.

Notes to a Future Feminist Archive, Affiliated Text exhibition # 1, installation shot. Photo credit: Felicity Jenkins

Many thanks to Gavin Harris at Cross Art + Books for generously hosting the project.